Mierzyn - Implantology

Welecka 38
72-006 Szczecin-Mierzyn
tel: +48 91 851 17 17 

About Mierzyn-Implantology Clinic

Your Smile Matters

My dental practice is based on three elements:

  • The patient's Comfort in every detail of the practice - everything that the patient does not have to do will be done by our staff.
  • Knowledge and Skills as the bases in order to achieve perfect and long-lasting treatment effects- in agreement with the patient the best treatment procedures are implemented.
  • Doctor- Patient Relationship because of its delicate nature , all the medical procedures should be conducted by one doctor within the range of their specialization.

In our clinic we focus on complex rehabilitation of oral cavity with respect to biology and esthetic requirements. The Mierzyn Dental and Implant Center is an authorized partner of Astra Tech, renowned Swedish company, which provides a life-time warranty on the implants.


My name is Jarosław Matuszak. I am a dentist - implantologist.

Dentistry is not only my profession but also my passion, which I constantly develop. I have chosen a very grateful line of work because I help people take care of their smiles. Apart from continuously expanding my knowledge and gaining new skills as a dentist , I do everything in my power to make sure all my patients feel maximum comfort during the treatment.

In 1995 I graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry at the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin. In addition, as one of the few dentists in Poland I received the international certificate in oral implantology (Diplomate PSI/DGOI/ICOI). For many years, while attending numerous national as well as international training courses and workshops, I had the possibility to observe, listen and talk to recognized authorities who set the global trends in dentistry. Taking part in such events is one of the main principles of my vision of the doctor's profession, which should be based on constant development.

I strongly believe that the work of my team can bring many warm and friendly smiles into the life of my patients.

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Mierzyn - Implantology
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