Orkana 5
36-020 Tyczyn

tel.: +48 17 866 15 10 - Registration
tel.: +48 17 866 15 08 - Administration
fax: +48 17 866 15 09

REH-MEDIQ Rehabilitation and Medical Centre

REH-MediQ Rehabilitation and Medical Centre specialises in medical rehabilitation. We offer comprehensive diagnostic and surgical care complying with the modern physioterapic model. The process of treatment and rehabilitation is supervised by specialist doctors of medical rehabilitation, orthopaedics and traumatology. Treatments and therapeutic programmes are provided by a team of experienced physioterapists.

Reh-MediQ centre has an area of 1 040 square metres. Patients and medical personnel can use modern, professionally equipped rooms:

  • Doctors’ offices
  • Physical therapy rooms
  • Kinesitherapy rooms
  • Multi-space massage room
  • Hydrotherapy consulting room
  • Biological regeneration rooms

Reh-Mediq units:

  • Rehabilitation consulting room – medical diagnosis, prescriptions and rehabilitation programmes (X-ray, ultrasound and magnetic resonance spectroscopy), 
  • Outpatient physioteraphy – rehabilitation and physical medicine treatments,
  • Daytime rehabilitation unit – rehabilitation and physical medicine treatments under the supervision of the doctor in charge of the unit, a higher intensity of treatments and longer treatment period,
  • Health promotion consulting room – body regeneration programmes, rehabilitation workouts, weight loss programmes.

The main objective of REH-MEDIQ Rehabilitation and Medical centre is to provide high-quality health treatment especially in medical rehabilitation and health promotion. Medical rehabilitation is the foundation of our activity and the patient’s wellbeing is our most important objective.

The building is situated in the beautiful green surroundings of Dynowskie Foothills, only 10 km from Rzeszów. Another asset of our medical centre is its attractive tourist location at the foot of the Bieszczady Mountains and close to the border with Ukraine. We organize trips to the picturesque Połoniny Bieszczadzkie or to Lvov and other places worth visiting in Ukraine.  

Services offered

Rehabilitation holidays:

  • 7 days – medical consultation, health examination, 5 treatments a day as directed by a doctor
    (5 treatment days).
  • 14 days – medical consultation, health examination, 5 treatments a day as directed by a doctor
    (10 treatment days).

Regeneration holidays:

  • 7 days – medical consultation and assessment of a biological regeneration specialist, 4 treatments a day, diet food.


Types of exercises:
- static
- dynamic
- active and passive
- mobility exercises
- stretching exercises
- resistance exercises

Individual kinesitherapy treatment:
- therapy of spinal cord disorders
- therapy of rheumatiod disorders
- therapy of nervous system diseases
- therapy of injuries of muscles, joints and ligaments
- correction of bad posture

Physical therapy and hydrotherapy

- Electrotherapy
- Magnetic pool therapy
- Ultrasound therapy
- Laser therapy
- Cryotherapy
- Pressotherapy
- Fluid therapy
- Phototherapy
- Complementary massage therapy
- Pearl bath
- Whirl massage of lower limbs
- Whirl massage of upper limbs
- Ring shower
- Vichy shower

Massage and regeneration treatments

Manual massage treatments:
- medical massage
- lymphatic massage
- segmental massage
- isometric massage
Device massage treatments:
- mini swing
- aquavibron
- pressotherapy
Regenerative treatment:
- Spa capsule
- BMS platform
- Omega column
- Ring massage

Analysis of body components:
- adipose tissue
- water levels in organism
- non-fat body mass
Fitness examination:
- maximum oxygen consumption VO2 max.
- metabolic thresholds
- exertion electrocardiogram
Functional examination of movement organs:
- stabilisation assessment, FMS test
Balance and risk of fall assessment:
- Y- balance test



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