Clinica del Mare

Antoniego Hryniewickiego 6c/1
81-340 Gdynia

+48 58 71 00 650
+48 661 701 700

Clinica del Mare - Sea Towers Dental Center

Gdynia City-based Clinica del Mare operates a variety of dental offices situated in the Sea Towers premises on the side adjacent to the President Basin. At Clinica del Mare patients receive a complex dental care and treatment procedures encompassing conservative dentistry, endodontics, prosthetics, implantology, orthodontics, dental surgery, pediatric dentistry and dental aesthetics.

Medical procedures at Clinica del Mare are performed by dentists of recognised reputation within their professional circles. The Clinic guarantees the highest level of care and treatment in the atmosphere of full confidence and understanding of our patients’ needs and expectations. Our staff is excellently prepared and dedicated to satisfy expectations of the most exacting patients.

We guarantee the highest quality diagnostics. We utilise the state-of-the art display facilities: digital panorama roentgen apparatus, digital radiovisiography, and intra oral cameras. In order to ensure quality and precision of our procedures we use magnifying glasses and dental operating microscope.

The dental offices of Clinica del Mare are situated on a separate floor of the Sea Towers premises with an elevator access. Specially prepared room offers an opportunity to relax before and after the procedure without interference from the part of third persons. We have also prepared choice films and concerts menu that may be enjoyed in the highest Full HD quality image. Patients may also use our Wi-Fi service and Apple iPad while waiting for the procedure and after the procedure. You may also use Internet browser, enjoy attractive mobile applications and watch individually selected television programs in digital quality.

Apart from the best quality medical care we provide our patients a high reception standards, encompassing, inter alia: admission of the patient exactly as appointed previously, specially prepared menu of warm and cold beverages, current variety of newspapers and magazines, concierge services, i.e accepts orders that may be performed by telecommunication facilities or systems, for example: calling a taxi, viewing cinema and theatre performance programs, checking flight and train connections and schedules. All services are performed while patients undergo dental procedures We also guarantee special security measures regarding the patients’ medical data.


Katarzyna EmerichProf. Katarzyna Emerich, BDS, PhD,DSc. (Hab.)

Specialist in Paediatric Dentistry

Professor K. Emerich is a specialist in paediatric and general dentistry. She is the Manager of the Chair and Dentistry Unit of Developmental Age of the Medical University of Gdańsk. She is also a member of the Board representing Poland in the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry, member of the Board of the Paediatric Dentistry Section of the Polish Dental Society and a member of International Association of Paediatric Dentistry. Author of several dozen of articles on paediatric dentistry published in the Polish and international journals. Frequent lecturer at scientific conferences in Poland and abroad.

Izabela OleszkiewiczDr. Izabela Oleszkiewicz, DDS, PhD

Specialist in Maxillofacial Surgery

ince her graduation in 1985 from Medical University of Gdańsk she has worked at aforementioned institution at the Maxillofacial Research Hospital as an academic teacher at a position of a lecturer. In 2010 she was awarded a title of medical science doctor. She holds the First Degree Specialty in dental surgery and Second Degree Specialty in maxillofacial surgery.

Beata Kaiser-ZiorkiewiczDr. Beata Kaiser-Ziorkiewicz, DDS, PhD

Specialist in Orthodontics

She graduated from Medical University of Gdańsk in 1988. In 1988 – 2004 she was an assistant and a senior lecturer at the Orthodontics Unit of the Medical Academy of Gdańsk. In 1991 she was awarded the First Degree Specialty in general stomatology. In 1994 she was awarded the Second Degree Specialty in orthodontics. In 2004, after she had defended her doctoral dissertation in orthodontics, she was awarded a title of medical science doctor. She is a member of the Polish Dental Society, Polish Orthodontic Society and European Orthodontic Society. She actively participates in various congresses and conventions in orthodontics.

Sonia Sugier-KarpińskaDr. Sonia Sugier-Karpińska, DDS


She graduated in dentistry from Pomeranian Medical Academy in Szczecin. Since her graduation in 1997 she has been specialising in conservative dentistry with special consideration to endodontic treatment by utilising modern display techniques. She achieved her practical abilities and skills during her many years’ dental practice and by participating in numerous training courses in Poland and abroad.

Adam ZiemlewskiDr. Adam Ziemlewski, DDS, PhD

Specialist in Maxillofacial Surgery

Doctor Ziemlewski graduated from Medical University of Gdańsk. He studied at Guy’s and St. Thomas’s Medical and Dental School in London as a scholarship holder. For many years he has worked as a scientist and lecturer at the Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of the Medical University of Gdańsk. He got, with distinction, his specialty degree in dental surgery and also speciality degree in maxillofacial surgery. He is a holder of a title of medical science doctor. He is the author of numerous scientific publications in Poland and abroad. He was a lecturer at many congresses and courses in dental implantology, surgery and dental aesthetics.

Sylwia Kowalczyk-WójcikDr. Sylwia Kowalczyk-Wójcik, DDS

Specialist in General Dentistry

Doctor Wójcik graduated in dentistry from the Medical University of Gdańsk in 1989. Till 1992 she was an assistant at the Prosthetics Unit of the Dentistry Institute of the Medical University of Gdańsk. She holds specialty in general stomatology. In 1993-1995 she worked as a dentist at Clinica Odontoiatrica Tronconi in Rome. Till 2012 she was the Manager of “Smile” Dental Centre. She actively participates in various congresses, conventions and training courses in prosthetics and implant prosthetics. She is a member of the Regional Medical Court in Gdańsk.


Pediatric dentistry

At Clinica del Mare we are dedicated to provide children safe and state-of-the art dental treatment. Dental procedures are performed under local anaesthesia. All dental care and treatment for children are performed by Prof. Katarzyna Emerich, BDS, PhD, DSc.(Hab.). Her extensive experience and individual approach to each one of Little Patient guarantee that children at our dental clinic feel safe and comfortable.

  • Adaptation of Little Patients to dental treatment using behavioural management techniques
  • Dental prevention program tailored to the patients’ age and needs
  • Treatment of caries of primary and permanent dentition
  • Management of pulp inflammation and abscessed primary and permanent teeth
  • Treatment of traumatic injuries in primary and permanent dentition
  • Treatment different lesions of the oral mucosa

Dental surgery

At Clinica del Mare we perform all procedures within dental and maxillofacial surgery that require only local anaesthesia. Extensive procedures requiring hospital treatment and general anaesthesia are performed in a private hospital. At Clinica del Mare dental and maxillofacial surgery procedures are performed by Dr. Izabela Oleszkiewicz, DDS, PhD.

  • Surgical extraction of unerupted and supernumerary teeth
  • Dental implants
  • Guided bone regeneration
  • Surgical treatment of oral mucosa disease
  • Pre-prosthetic surgical treatment
  • Cancer diagnostics
  • Maxillary sinus surgery


At Clinica del Mare orthodontic care and treatment is provided by Dr. Beata Kaiser-Ziorkiewicz, DDS, PhD.

  • Treatment of malocclusion in children, youngsters and adults by using removable or fixed appliances
  • Treatment of maxillary joints diseases
  • Prophylactics of malocclusion
  • Orthodontic preparation for prosthetics and implant-denture treatment
  • Surgical-orthodontic treatment

Dental Implantology

At Clinica del Mare we apply exclusively dental implant systems of highest quality, clinically examined at numerous centres throughout the world and utilised by leading university centres and private clinics in the USA and Western Europe (Biomet 3I, Dentsplay Implant). At Clinica del Mare dental implantation procedures are performed by Dr. Adam Ziemlewski, DDS, PhD.

  • Restoration of one missing tooth
  • Restoration of a few missing teeth
  • Implant treatment of edentulous patients
  • Bone regeneration by utilising biomaterials or patient’s own bone
  • Maxillary sinus floor elevation with bone grafting


State-of-the art facilities at Clinica del Mare (operating microscope, magnifying glasses, digital radiovisiography, panoramic X-ray) and many years’ experience of Dr. Sonia Sugier-Karpińska, DDS guarantee performance of precision endodontic treatment of teeth, even those which, a few years before, had to be extracted.

  • Root canal therapy under a microscope
  • Repeated root canal therapy treated previously without success or with not complete filled canals
  • Removal of broken tools from the root canal
  • Removal of pulp stone
  • Removal of old root inlays
  • Treatment of root perforation

Conservative dentistry, Dental aesthetics and Prosthetics

At Clinica del Mare we perform aesthetic reconstruction of damaged and diseased teeth and missing teeth replacements. Many years’ experience and precision applied by Dr. Sylwia Kowalczyk-Wójcik, DDS accompanied by the use of most modern technologies and equipment guarantee high quality and aesthetics of the performed prosthetic products.

  • Porcelain laminate veneers

  • Porcelain crowns and bridges based on zirconium, gold, titanium or precious steel

  • Porcelain crowns on implants

  • Full ceramic or composite fillings (inlay, onlay, overlay)

  • Skeleton dentures with special abutments or telescopic fixing partial and full acrylic dentures (also on implants)

  • Tooth restoration with composite material


Clinica del Mare offers hygiene care and tooth whitening performed by our specialists.

  • Removal of dental plaque and tartar (dental calculus)
  • Tooth sandblasting and polishing
  • In office tooth whitening
  • Tooth night-whitening system
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