Skrzywana 22
(Corner of al. Politechniki and Felsztyńskiego)
93-582 Lodz

tel.: 0048 42 640 20 82 registration

tel.: 0048 693 337 983

Opening hours:

Monday - Friday: 12 - 7:30 PM
Saturday:10 AM-3PM cosmetology

Ray.Med – Clinic of Dermatology and Esthetic Medicine

Clinic of Dermatology and Esthetic Medicine Ray.Med is located in the very center of Łódź. We deal with diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases and with correction of esthetic defects. With over 10 years of experience in dermatological services, we provide our patients with the best diagnostics, effective treatment and friendly atmosphere. We gradually introduce new equipment to the clinic to give us the opportunity to expand the range of specialized services. All medical esthetic treatments (botox, fillers, mesotherapy, thermolift) are performed by specialists in collaboration with a dermatologist, cosmetologist and surgeon. Computer diagnostics enables safe removal of birthmarks.

For the convenience of our customers we also accept payment cards.
You are welcome to visit our clinic!

Our specialists

Malgorzata Berner RutkowskaMałgorzata Berner-Rutkowska, MD, PhD

She is a specialist dermatologist. She gained her knowledge and experience in the treatment of skin diseases during several years of work at the University Clinic. For many years she was also an academic teacher, educating medical students of internal medicine and dermatology. For 10 years she has been running a private clinic. She learned about the treatments used in esthetic medicine by taking part in numerous courses and trainings in the field. Currently, in addition to working with patients, she also runs classes in esthetic dermatology at the College of Cosmetology and Health Sciences.


Oszukowska Magdalena







Magdalena Oszukowska, MD

Sęk Piotr







Piotr Sęk, MD, PhD

Janusz Piekarski







Janusz Piekarski, MD, PhD

Belczyk Agnieszka







Agnieszka Belczyk, MSc



We provide specialist advice related to all skin diseases, in particular conditions treatable with light, such as psoriasis, vitiligo, atopic dermatitis and ultraviolet sensitivity.

We treat acne skin lesions, hyperpigmentation and acne scars, where medical cosmetic treatments and laser procedures are recommended along with pharmacotherapy. We consult and diagnose patients with cutaneous manifestations of connective tissue diseases, such as scleroderma and lupus erythematosus.

Laser removal of acne scars (FRACTIONAL CO2 LASER) – 1 procedure

The whole face PLN 850
Cheeks PLN 500
Individual areas     
depending on the surface

Treatment of erythema and inflammatory lesions with pulsed light source – 1 procedure

The whole face
PLN 100


We use a new-generation booth with narrowband UVA and UVB lamps (311 nm emission). That wavelength has proven to be the most effective in treating a number of skin diseases, especially psoriasis, vitiligo and atopic dermatitis.


Capillaroscopy is a basic non-invasive auxiliary test in the diagnosis of connective tissue diseases to assess microcirculation.

( test + consultation ) PLN 150

Computer diagnostics of birthmarks

Computer diagnostics of birthmarks

The most modern way of testing is computer dermatoscopy. The test is completely non-invasive and painless. It involves examination of birthmarks with extensive enlargement, allowing to accurately assess their symmetry, shape and diversity of structure. The test result is revealed as photographic documentation, computer analysis and physician's evaluation. A mark may turn to be benign (green field in the chart), suspicious or malignant (red box). Benign marks require observation, suspicious and malignant ones must be removed surgically. Then after histopathological examination, the physician evaluates the severity of the lesions and recommends further treatment. Computer diagnosis is considered to be one of the most effective methods of early detection of birthmarks which can turn into neoplasms.

Up to 2 birthmarks with medical consultation PLN 120
Each subsequent birthmark
PLN 40

Skin surgery


It applies to removal of fibromas, warts, papillomas and other benign skin lesions of smaller size. The procedures are performed by skin diseases specialists after prior qualification. Most procedures require local anesthesia by injection of an anesthetic agent. With minor lesions located around the face or neck application of an anesthetic cream may prove sufficient. The procedure itself is painless. After removal of the lesion, the post-operative site heals by crust formation for about 2 weeks.

Up to 3 lesions PLN 120 - 200
Up to 5 lesions PLN 180 - 250
Up to 10 lesions
from PLN 300

Laser removal of skin lesions

t relates to evaporation of warts, benign skin birthmarks, xanthomas and corns. The procedures are performed using CO2 laser ablation by skin disease specialists or surgeons. More extensive procedures require pre-treatment by injecting local anesthetics; minor lesions are anesthetized with cream (40 minutes before the procedure) or chilling spray during the procedure. Qualification for treatment requires initial dermatological consultation; in some cases (pigmented moles) a prior dermatoscopic examination may be necessary.

Up to 3 lesions PLN 150 - 250
Up to 5 lesions PLN 250 - 350 
Up to 10 lesions from PLN 400

Dermatosurgery – surgical removal of skin lesions

It relates to the removal of pigmented moles and any lesions which require histopathological diagnosis, and benign skin lesions of larger size such as sebaceous cysts and lipomas. The procedures are performed by a specialist surgeon after previous qualification (upon consultation). In the case of pigmented moles, dermatoscopy must be performed before the lesion can be removed. Surgical excision is performed under local anesthesia. Surgical sutures are applied after the excision. If needed, the material obtained during the procedure is sent for histopathological examination. Your specialist will notify you of any management issues after the surgery.

Surgical resection of lesion PLN 200-350
Histopathological examination PLN 80

Esthetic medicine

We offer a wide range of esthetic medicine treatments carried out by our dermatology specialists. First of all, we would like our procedures to be safe and proven, and their effects to be natural (and reversible if needed). Medical cosmetic treatments (including microdermabrasion and chemical peels) supplement medical interventions.


The price depends on the amount of the preparation used. The stated prices are approximate. 1 area denotes: i.e. crow's feet; wrinkles between the eyebrows; transverse forehead wrinkles.

1 area       PLN 380
2 areas     PLN 600
3 areas     PLN 750


Procedures are performed with stabilized hyaluronic acid preparations (temporary fillers) from the following world-known brands: Restylane, Teosyal, Stylage and Revanesse. Treatment prices depend on the type and quantity of the preparation used.

Under-eye circle correction – REDENSITY II
PLN 750
Nasolabial fold filling 1.0 ml PLN 650-750
Correction of wrinkles below the corners of the mouth 1.0 ml PLN 650-750
Toning up/modeling cheeks 1,0-2,0 ml 
PLN 650-1300
Volumetric face lift PLN 1400


Augmentation and modeling of the mouth or just the effect of hydration and contour enhancement

1,0 ml
650 PLN
2,0 ml  
1100 PLN


Eye area PLN 200
from PLN 300
Neck + shoulders from PLN 400
Backs of hands
from PLN 300

Vampire'face lift (PRP)

Face 350 PLN
Face, neck, neckline 500 PLN


from PLN 350 (1 amp 10 ml)

Adipose tissue burning, anti-cellulite effect, increase in skin tension.


PLN 220

Strengthening hair, stimulation of hair follicles.


A revolutionary non-surgical method of reducing fatty tissue accumulated locally, and one of the ways to combat cellulite. The procedure involves injecting a substance generated from soybean into the adipose tissue; phosphatidylcholine dissolves the cell membranes of adipose cells and further serves as a carrier for fat through the blood vessels into the liver, where the fat is ultimately metabolized.

DERMASTABILON  ampoule 5 ml 150 PLN
AQUALYX ampoule 8 ml 250 PLN


from PLN 200

(procedure performed by vascular surgeons)

Compression sclerotherapy is a method of treatment for small varicose veins in the lower limbs by drug injections. It can be successfully used for cosmetic removal of spider angiomatas and other small dilated vessels on thighs or in the ankle area.

Sclerotherapy can only be used for treatment of such lesions which are not accompanied by severe damage to the main superficial venous trunks of the lower limbs (vena saphena magna and the small saphenous vein). The state of the venous valves regulating the direction of blood flow is of crucial importance here. The efficiency of these valves is assessed on the basis of an accurate DOPPLER ULTRASOUND EXAMINATION.


adio wave energy (radiofrequency, RF) is a kind of electromagnetic wave which stimulates the skin to produce neo-collagen and elastin. ACCENT is a proven system of radiofrequency for volumetric thermotherapy.

from PLN 250


The "gold standard" in the battle against the signs of aging – for all those who desire renewal and regeneration of the skin, improving its tension, texture and hue. Fractional laser allows for precise formation of multiple fine tubules in the skin. Around the small "openings" the skin remains intact; that provides for rapid healing during which the skin happens to regenerate extremely intensely.

The whole face PLN 850
Cheeks PLN 500
Eye/mouth area PLN 300
Neck PLN 600
Neck and shoulders PLN 700
Individual scars depending on the size

MED. IPL (MEDICAL INTENSE PULSED LIGHT) – rejuvenation of the face, neck and shoulders

Treatment of erythema, inflammatory acne lesions and hyperpigmentation.

from PLN 100 for the face

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