
Leszczynowa 90 U/2
(side street of ulica Jabłoniowa)
80-175 Gdańsk

Tel.: 0048 58 710 97 43
Tel.: 0048 884 084 034

Mon 14-20    Tue 9-14    Wed 14-20    Thu 9-14    Fri 9-19

For phone registration from Monday to Saturday between 08:00 a.m. and 08:00 p.m., please call us at 0048 884-084-034

DentiNeo – a modern and comfortable dental office in Poland

DentiNeo Dental Office is one of the few places in Gdańsk, where modern dentistry, treatment comfort, creative approach to treatment, and the prices of services form a well-balanced whole. With many years of experience, best-qualified medical personnel and state-of-the-art equipment, DentiNeo is able to provide you with a very high standard of treatment.

From now on, a visit to the dentist's office will never be an unpleasant necessity; it will become a way to improve the patient’s well-being and life quality. In DentiNeo, patient satisfaction is a priority value. Every year the scope of services is further expanded to offer you comprehensive dental treatment.

DDS Adam Bielawski

DDS Adam Bielawski

Dentist Adam Bielawski has graduated from the Medical Academy in Gdańsk. He is particularly passionate about dentistry. Since his graduation, he has been constantly improving his qualifications in Poland and abroad, with a particular emphasis on practical training and courses to gain true knowledge about the treatment procedures. He is currently taking specialist courses in the Curriculum of Implantology. He is a member of multiple dental societies, i.e.: the Polish Association of Implantology, the Polish Endodontic Society, the Polish Academy of Periodontology, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Orale Implantologie and the International Congress of Oral Implantologists.


According to dr. Adam Bielawski, dental treatment is not only about "applying a seal to a troublesome tooth cavity." All body organs are mutually interrelated to form a cohesive unity. The oral cavity can often determine the condition of the entire body; its health may impact even some distant organs, such as the heart, kidneys and joints. That is why dr. Adam Bielawski offers a thorough and comprehensive treatment to his patients, so that subsequently the regular visits to the DentiNeo Dentistry Office may only serve the purpose of follow-ups and hygienization treatments. At work, dr. Bielawski is assisted by dr. Joanna Koszewska, the Office's Dental Assistant.



DentiNeo makes every effort so that our patients can feel completely comfortable. Therefore, in order to provide them with a feeling of security and convenience, a range of facilities is provided:

* Modern office equipment – procedures are carried out in a modern facility, using the best quality materials and high-tech devices, including:

- a dental microscope (the procedures are performed under magnification),
- an X-ray device with radiovisiography,
- the Quick Sleeper System of computerized anesthesia.

* Comfortable waiting room – the waiting time before a procedure can be spent in a spacious and modern waiting room.
* Air Conditioning – all rooms in the facility are air-conditioned.
* Drinks for patients – our patients are offered coffee, tea and water.
* Multilingual staff – we also treat patients from abroad, which is why we can speak English and German.
* Parking lot – you will have no problems finding a parking space.
* Hotel – patients arriving from distant places can use a comfortable Hotel Cztery Brzozy located nearby.

Range of dental services

Conservative dentistry

- conservative treatment of permanent and baby teeth,
- treatment of caries.

Endodontic (root canal) treatment under the microscope

Implantology and aesthetic dentistry

- dental implants:
    - Astra Tech-Dentsply Implants
    - Neo Biotech
- ceramic crowns,
- ceramic inlays and onlays,
- prosthetic bridges,
- veneers.


- treatment of periodontitis,
- treatment of gingival recession,
- treatment of periodontal diseases,
- controlled gum regeneration,
- open and closed curettages.

Prosthetic treatment

- prosthetic inlay and onlay restoration,
- removable dentures,
- prosthetic crowns,
- prosthetic bridges.

Dental surgery

- painless extraction / wisdom tooth (third molar) removal,
- augmentation after extraction,
- controlled osseous regeneration,
- implants,
- surgical lengthening of tooth crowns.

Tooth whitening

- whitening with the Pola Office System.

Professional oral hygienization treatments

- removal of tartar,
- scaling.

X-ray imaging

Dental consultation

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